The following was converted from old faded 1880 printed text using automated optical character recognition software.



Stiles' reporter job printing rooms. 

North Springfield, Vt., 
January 22, 1880. 

The descendants of Daniel Griswold, and their families, 
living in Springllcld and vicinity, for several years past, with few- 
exceptions, iuive liehl a picnic or family gathering at the iVeio La7id 
pasture, which was a portion of the Griswold farm, now owned 
by the heirs of Abner Field. This has been done not only for the 
purpose of having a "good time," but more especially to get the 
family together, and pcr[)ctiiatr the memory of the old-fashioned 
parties, which many of us remember so well, and which the older 
members of the fanuly so regularly attended, and which they so 
passionately enjoyed. These i)ienics have l)een held in the mouths 
of July and August, and iiave been (piitc fully attended, and ap- 
parently very pleasant occasions. The older (iriswolds were 
known'asgood hvers and caters, and the tables which have been 
spread at these gatherinus, liave borne evideiu-e that this trait has 
not wholly disapi)eared in the younger membeis of the family. 

These days have Ijccn sj)ent much as they used to be, and 
those present have indulged largely in ivminiscences of the absent 
and the i>ast. At t!ie i>iciiir in ISt't, it was voted, that the writer 
should pn.'pare and read at the next gathering, a sketch of the life 
of Grandfather Griswold, the Hrst in our ancestry who settled in 
Vermont. In compliance with that request the writer read a 
hastily written article. Those present insisted upon its being 
printed, and it was suggested that a short genealogy of the fam- 
ily l)e adiied to it, The'sketch is necessarily short and intended to 
einbrace only the most imi)ortant events of his life, and facts 
which would be interesting to his descendant:^. Of course it is only 
a matter of interest to tiie family, and those connected therewitli. 
The genealogictil pait is sul)stantia!ly correct; some errors in dales 
may have crept in, but the information is mainly from the partie? 
tiiemsel ves. Some have answered more fully than others, and from 
some we can not get the desired information. For some of the 
data herein, lam indebted to the late Uev. F. W. Chapman, of 
Gonn., who began a genealogy of the Griswold family, but died 
before the W(»rk was comi)leted, also to the February nundjer, 1876, 
of Harper's M;igazine, wtiichgivesa very interesting article upon 
the (iriswolds, of Conn., under the head of ''Lyme," but mainly 
to my mother, who has been very much interested in the little un 
dertaking, and who was the youngest child of Daniel Griswold, 
and is the only survivor of a noble band of brothers and sisters, 
wliom many, whose names are herein written, have called Father 
and Mother. 


Sketch of Griswold Family. 

Daniel Griswold, or "Squire Griswold" as he was familiarilj' 
called, the father, grandfather, great and great-great-grandfather 
of most of us wiio are here assembled, was born at Meriden, Conn., 
Decembers, 1762, and was the son of John and Mary (Ward) 
Griswold. John Griswold is .'-aid to have been a very pleasant and 
social man, and also an easy, and a strict compliance with truth, 
would compel us to .say, a very indolent man. He was undoubt- 
edly anticipating some time in the future a "windfall" from his 
father, wlio is supposed to have been in good circumstances, but 
like many others, he was disappointed, for his father left his prop- 
erty to another son. John attempted by process of law to get the 
property from his brother, but did not succeed, and lost his own in 
the attempt. He was so unfortunate as to break both of his thighs 
at a raising, but instead of disabling him for life, it appears that 
his strong constitution carried him through remai*kably well, for 
we tind that afterwards when the Revolutionary war broke out, 
he enlisted under Gen. Israel Putnam. In August 1776, at a 
battle on Long Island he took cold, and died in a few weeks on 
York or New York Island. It is not certainly known whether he 
wns taken prisoner or not. As usual in those days he left a large 
family of children, the youngest five years of age, Daniel, the sub- 
ject of our sketeli, fourteen. Daniel was a healthy, robust boy, 
brimful of energy and perseverance, and he started out to battle 
with the world with a very small outfit, consisting simply of a 
light summer suit of clothes, including a pair of shoes which be- 
longed to an older sister. He had a guardian whose uam(; was 
AVilliam Curtis, whom people for some reason called "Old 
Hunks," but who, uotwithstaiiding the doubtful soubriquet, was a 
good friend to him. Wlieii sixteen years of age Danitd was em- 
ployed by some one to enter the army, for which lie received ten 
dollars per nujutli in silver. He remained in tiie army nine montiis 
during which time !ie was at the skirmish at New Haven, Conn. 
A portion of llif time he was t^tationed at Peekskill. N. Y., and 


most of tlie time was employed as a teamster, instead of serving 
in tlie ranks. After the deatli of his father, his mother married 
again, a man said to have been in "better circumstances" than 
her first husband, l)ut it is not known that Daniel reaped any ad- 
vantage, pecuniary or otherwise from the marriage. At this time 
of liis life, certain traits of character were i^xhibited, which later 
in life were developed more fully, and which ever made him a 
prominent man in the town and vicinity where he resided ; liis 
integrity and good judgment were proverbial, he was economical 
without being mean, add to these an untiring industry, a firm 
will, and considerable perseverance, and we have the probable 
cause of his apj^arent success in life. When a youth any employ- 
ment, no matter how menial, was honorable to bin), and it is said 
that wlien he was twenty-one 3- ears of age he had accumulated the 
then large sum of one thousand dollars. When in the army he 
sold his rations of rum, instead of drinking them, then even hat- 
ing the smell of it, but later in life the custom of using it on all 
occasions was so universal, even at weddings and funerals, that 
he yielded to it, and used liquor to a limited extent. August 24, 
1784, he put chased his first land in Springfield of one John Gil- 
more of Rockingham. James Chittenden, grandfather of the 
present Daniel Chittenden, came up and cleared a portion of the 
land, built a log house upon it, and lived in it until February, 1790. 
Grandfather came from Cimnecticut and worked with him one or 
two seasons, bringing his provisions with him. Realizing that 
it was not best for man to be alone, in Januarj', 1786, Grandfather 
gave his hand, where he had a long time before his heart, to 
Annah Lenthal Ames, who bj' occupation was a tailoress. His 
love, "at first sight," began when he went to her to have a suit of 
clothes made. It is certainly reasonable to infer that she did her 
work thoroughly. In preparing for a settlement in Vermont he 
encountered so many ol^stacles, and sufTered so many privations 
that he was nearly discouraged and about decided to sell out, or 
abandon the clearing, but Annah Lenthal wouldn't listen to this, 
she had made up her mind to go to Vermont â?? and they went. In 
1790 they started from Connecticut, with an ox team, and arrived 
here after a ten days' journey, moved into their log house, which 
was situated a few rods west of the large brick house oecu]Med so 
many years by "Uncle .loel." In 1798 a new framed house was 
built, the one in which Dea. J. ]M. Bnynton now resides, which 


compares favorably with those of a more modern make. For all 
that is noble, true and worthy in their descendants, equal credit 
with Daniel should be given to Annah Lenthal, who was the 
daughter of Anthony Ames and Hannah Eells, and grand- 
daughter upon he*- mother's side, of Lemuel Eells and Hannah 
North, he a minister of the New Light faith, and she an English 
]ady. Annah Lenthal was born February 17, 1764, at South 
Farms, Middletown, Conn., and was one of a family of ten chil- 
dren ; her father, b,y occupation, was a ship carpenter, and died in 
1817. A portion of the winter ot 1807-8 he resided with Grand- 
fiithcr Griswold. He is said to have been a quiet and a remarkably 
good man, and his wife, Annah Lenthal's mother, was a very re- 
ligious woman, perhaps somewhat exacting, who carried out to 
the letter, in her family, the spirit of the old Connecticut "Blue 
Laws." Annah in many respects was much different from her 
mother. She was full of life and fun, and rebelled inwardly, if 
not outwardly, at the, as she thought, unnecessary restraints im- 
jiosed upon her by her mother. She had, what most of her fe- 
male descendants are possessed of, considerable pride, and a will of 
her own, so that whatever she determined to have done was gen- 
erally accomplished. To the original purchase which Grand- 
father made, from time to time as his means permitted, he pur. 
chased more land, until he became one of the largest land owners 
in this vicinity ; he was deemed a successful farmer and business 
man, his counsel and advice was very frequently sought after, and 
he was almost constantly occupying positions of honor and trust 
among his fellowmen. From a hasty research of the records of 
this town, I find that he was highway surveyor in 1791, lister and 
tithingman in 1793, grand juror in 1794, fence viewer in 1796, and 
selectman from 1798, for I don't know how many years. From 
the same records I And that his sheep mark was a slit in the right 
ear. In their family relations and government grandfather and 
mother seem to have been well agreed, they were not over indul- 
gent, neither did they impose burdens upon, or require more from 
their children than was reasonable. Each one, great and small 
had their allotted tasks ; the boys, the usual chores and workabout 
the farm; the girls, sewing, knitting, carding, spinning or weaving. 
All worked for a common interest. The thought of one parent, 
was the wish of the other. 

In religion Grandfather was a Congregationalist, having 


been converted when about nineteen years of age, among the Sep- 
aratists. Grandmother attended the Congregationalist church, 
but never united with any. She thought the Separatists alto- 
getlier too worldly, and the Baptist, as a church, did not exist 
until several years after they caifle to Vermont. There was how- 
ever a Free-will Baptist Society which, for some reason, 
hardly met her views. After some years the Baptists formed a 
society and built the old Brick Church upon the hill, a part of 
which is now standing, having been converted into a dwelling 
liouse. This church the family attended, previously having at- 
tended the Congregntional oluirch at Springfield, (liraiulniother 
wa-^ a very firm oupKin'iit oftlu. tiien quite general belief in "infant 
danituition." She is saiil to liiive kept very careful oversight of her 
daugliters, where they went, when the3' went and with whom, 
(wliieh accounts for the somewhat remarkable row of sons-in- 

Grandfather and Grand mother were very hospitable, their latch 
string was always out, and their table always spread for the guest 
or stranger. The very generous treatment of their friends, and 
the addition of eight healthy, hearty, handsome, buxom girls 
couldn't fail even in this then sparsely settled community to 
gather in, not only their neighbors, but young men and maidens 
for miles around to spend an afternoon or evening. While card 
playing was not permitted, and dancing not looked upon with 
favor, still they were not without amusements. Vocal and in- 
strumental music was nmch indulged in ; nearly all could sing. 
The father could play the fife, Joel the clarionet and hautboy, and 
Daniel the clarionet. Both Joel and Daniel belonged to the band, 
and so they had music to their hearts' content. And after these 
many years for us to look back upon it, with that then unbroken 
circle of girls and boys, it seems as though it could have been for 
all but little short of perfect happiness. Of the children Lentha 
and Mary were born in Middletown, Conn., Hannah and Joel in 
the log house, the others in the new frame house. Grandfather 
and Grandmother lived together some fortj^ years, suffered many 
inconveniences, endured many privations, and experienced much 
joy and sorrow. Evenly and happily they jogged along together, 
fitly mated. Both lived to see their children arrive at manhood 
and womanhood, and at one time during Grandfatlier's life all 
were settled in the iuimediate vicinilv of the old iiomestta.l, so 


that he could visit all upon the same day. Sometime after the 
death of Graudmother, Grandfather married Mrs. Abigal (Davis) 
Woodbury, who survived him. 

But what a change ; but one child of all those children left, 
and grandchildren are now old men and women, and gray hairs 
are thick in the heads of great-grandchildren, and every now and 
then one and another are dropping by the waj^side. The ranks are 
breaking, occasionally a little raw recruit joins us, or some girl or 
boy steps out by the wayside and draws in a mate to walk beside 
them. Many have made their homes in the great West, noble 
men and women, who bear themselves worthily of their ancestry. 
Would they were with us lo-daj', in this Griswold wood lot, at this 
table, to partake of this cheer, to join in our festivities, to laugh 
with the mirthful, to sympathize with the sad. and aid us in keep- 
ing alive the memories of the many noble and true friends who 
have gone before us, and to knit in closer bonds of friendship the 
many who are living. And as time goes on, let us imitate the ex- 
ample of perfect soldiers, who when one drops from the ranks, the 
others step up closer, to fill up the gap, that they may feel the sym- 
pathetic "shoulder touch," and present an unbroken and united 
band ; so as our numbers here in New England grow less, let the 
survivors close up together, so that as the Griswold family we may 
show to the world, one of the strangest of all earthly sights, a 
band of happy and united relatives. 

Genealogical Sketch 


The family . of Griswolds to which Daniel Griswold be- 
longed, descended from Sir Humphrey Griswold, of Malvern 
Hall, England. The first in this country, of whom we have re- 
cord are P^dward and Matthew, brothers, who came from En- 
gland not far from 1645, and settled in Connecticut. Edward at 
Windsor, Matthew at Lyme. Edward afterward moved to 
Killingsworth. Matthew was the first magistrate of Saybrook 
colony, and married Annah VVolcott, daughter of Henry Wol- 
cott. The seat or manor of the Griswolds at Lyme, was a large 
feudal grant, of some eight miles square, bounded on the west by 
the Connecticut river, and on the south by Long Island Sound. 
The buildings were situated upon the height of land overlooking 
the sound. The name of the place was "Black Hall." This 
grant was given to Matthew in lG4o. 

Edward, the direct ancestor of Daniel was born in England in 
1607, was married and most, if not all of his children were born 
there. He had nine children one of whom was John, who was 

born August 15, 1652, This John Griswold married Mary , 

who died Oct. 26, 1679. They had four children. He afterwards 
married Bathsheba North, who died March 19, 1736, by whom he 
had eleven children, one of whom was Joseph, who was born 
Sept. 26, 1690. 

This Joseph Griswold married Temperance Lay Dee. 29, 1714. 
Their children were: Joseph, Daniel, John, Temperance, 
Nathan, Giles, born June 3, 1723, Jedidiah, Benjamin. 


JOHN GRISWOLD, son of Joseph and Temperance (Lay) 
Griswokl, married Mary Ward. Cliildreu : 

John, born Aug. 4, 1749. Sarah. 

Mary, " " " l7o2. Daniel, born Dec. 5, 17G2. 

Jerusha, born Jan. 25, 1755. Huldah. 

Grace, " Nov. 25, 175G. Matthew, barn 1771. 

Lucy. Eunice, died in infancy. 

Annah. Eunice, " " " 

These children of John and Mary (Ward) Griswold so far as 
can be readily ascertained were married and settled as follows: 

JOHN married Sally Brock, who died Apr. 29, 1780 ; then mar- 
ried Abigal Williams Aug. 10, 1780. John settled in Springfield 
as earlj' as 1772, afterwards removed to Johnson. 
Children of John and Sally : 
George, born Dec. 1772. Davis, born Sept. 23, 1777 ; died 

John, " Feb. 10, 1774. Jan. 1, 1831. 

Francis, " Apr. 11, 1776 ; died Two daughters, died in infancy. 
Dec. 17, 1852. 

Children of John and Abigal : 
Daniel, born Sept. 15, 1781. Polly, born May 22, 1790. 

Isaac, " Feb. 22, 1784. Abigal, " Feb. 28, 1793. 

Ward, died in infancy. James 

Samuel, born May 27, 1788. Willard 

JERUSHA married Clark, settled in Pittsford, Vt. 

(xRACE married Bacon, settled in Westfield, Conn. 

('hildren : 
Sarah. Daniel. 

Matthew. Jonathan. 

LFCV married Rice, 2nd Baldwin, 

Chil(h-en of Lucy and Rice : 

Lucy. Jjevi. Lee. 

No children by Baldwin. 

ANNAH married James Plum, settled in Westfield Conn. 

Children : 
Hannah. Emma. 

James. William. 


SARAH married Hall. 


DANIEL married Annah Lenthal Ames. 

HULDAH married Levi Ives, settled in Ludlow. 
Children of Huldah and Levi . 

Clarissa. Olive. 

Selina. Dolly. 

Huldah. Sylvester. 

Charles. Lorenda. 

Levi. Sally. 

MATTHEW married Morse, settled in Springfield ; re- 
moved to Johnson. Children of Matthew and Morse : 

Eunice. Eliel. 

Matthew. Lucy. 

Zara. Almon W. 

(iilnian. William. 

Martin. Daughter. 


Children of .John aiul Sally ( Brock j (iriswold : 

John married L(!e, '2nd Mrs. Heath. 

Francis " Asenath Robinson. 

(ieorge " â?? Huntoon,2nd . 

Davis " Silence White. 

A daughter of John and (Williams) Griswold Married a 


Children of Annah and .Tames Plum : 

Hannali married Hulburt. 

James " Cornelia Hamlin, 2nd Hasham. 

Sally " Hurd, settled at Middle Haddom, Conn. 

P^nmia " Williams, 

William 'â?¢ Aurelia Bowers, settled at Westfield Conn. 
(Miildren of Huldah and Levi Ives: 

Clarissa married Spaulding. 

Selina " Page. 

Huldah " James Coleman. 

Charles " Spaulding, 2nd Elizabeth SpaflTord. 

Levi " Smith. 

Olive " .Joseph Atherton. 

Dolly 'â?  Wheeler Spaulding. 

Sylvester died unmarried. 

Lorenda married Willard Hastings. 

Sally " Abner Parker. 


Children of Matthew and Morse : 

Eunice married Reuben Olds. 

Matthew " , settled in Woburn, Mass. 

Zara " . 

Elisha " Heath. 

Martin " Roby Lock wood, 

Laura " Goodale. 

Eliel " Kittredge 

Lucy " Richardson. 

Daughter " Patch. 

Daniel Griswold, son of John and Mary Ward Griswold, born 
ai Meriden, Conn., Dec. 5, 1702, died at Springfield, Vt., Aug. 4, 
1886, married Annah Lenthal Ames, of .South Farms, Middle- 
town, Conn., Jan., 1786. Annah Lenthal was born Feb. 17, 1764, 
died June 8, 1826. Both are buried in the cemetery at North 
Springfield. Daniel married Mrs. Abigal (Davis) Woodburj', 
June 6, 1832, who survived him. 

Children of Daniel and Annah Lenthal : 

Lentha,born at Westfield, Ct., Nov. 3, 1786 ; died Sept. 9, 1863. 

Mary, " " " June 28, 1788 ; " May 15, 1832. 

Hannah, " Springfield, Vt., July 2, 1790 ; " Oct. 11, 1872. 

Joel, " " " Apr. 2r), 1792; " Apr. 22, 1871. 

Daniel, " " "Feb. 7, 1794; " March lo, 1847. 

Lucy, " " " " 28,1796; " Aug. 30, 1860. 

Martha, " " " Dec. 11, 1797 ; " Sept. 1, 1858. 

Lorenda, " " " Feb. 3, 1802 ; " May 5, 1866. 

Sarah, " " " Sept, 20, 1804 " Feb. 2.5, 1863. 

Jjouisa, " " " Dec. 5, 1807. 

Lentha Griswold married Amos Hulett, who was born in 
Amherst, Mass., Dec. 22, 1770 ; died Apr. 13, 1852 ; married by Rev. 
Richard M. Ely, July 13, 1824. Both are buried at Ascutney- 
ville, Vt. No children. 

â?  Mary Griswold married Levi Boynton of Weathersfield, who 
was born March 10, 1787; died May 10, 1835 ; married Jan. 26, 1812^ 
by Rev. Robinson Smiley. Both buried in the cemetery in 
Weathersfield, near the Sherwin farm. Children : 

George, died in infancy. 

Mary E., born Jan. 3o', 1814. 

Pamilia S., born June 25, 1816. 

Emilv, born Oct. 2. 1818. 


Martha E., bom July 17, 1820. 

Charles S., born June 3, 1822. 

Lentha, born Apr. 10, 1824; died in infancy. 

Lentha, July 1, 1825. 

Levi G., born Apr. 12, 1827 ; died Oct. 2, 1879. 

Julia A., born May 1, 1829 ; died Sept. 1, 1864. 

Nelson G., born May 12, 1832. 

Hannah Griswold married Enos Brown of Springfield, who 
was born March 16, 1789 ; died Aug. 26, 1870 ; married Dec. 24, 
1812, by Rev. Robinson Smiley. Both are buried at Springfield. 
Children : 

Lucia, born March, 1814; died in infancy. 

Lucy G., born Oct. 20, 1815 ; died Aug. 23, 1865. 

George L., born Oct. 2. 1817 ; died Sept. 6, 1869. 

Daniel G., born March 20 1820; died March, 1860. 

Samuel, born July 17, 1824. 

Emerson E., born March 30, 1828. 

Leverett, born Dec. 14, 1829. J j|_44 ''^ V4 

Helen L., born Nov. 10, 1834. '^ â?  - :»- ^ f ± 

Joel Griswold married Mary Chase of Sprinp-fteld, who was 
born Sept. 1,1800; died Feb. 21 1869 ; married Nov. 6, 1821, by 
Rev. Robinson Smiley. Both are buried at North Springfield. 
Children : 

Daniel C, born Jan. 26, 1824. 

Collins S., " June 23, 1827; died June 3, 1831. 

Mary J., " Jan. 27, 1837. 

Daniel Griswold married Amelia Chandler of Chester, who 
was born Apr. 25, 1798; married Dec. 1, 1819; by Rev. 
Beaman Boynton. Both are buried in Indiana. Amelia (Chan- 
dler) Griswold married 2nd. Children : 

Letitia D., born Oct. 28, 1820. 

Amelia, " Apr. 19, 1823 ; died Dec. 16, 1851. 

Ames A., " March 9, 1825. 

Charles D., " Dec. 13, 1826 ; " March 26, 1829. 

Collins O., " March 14, 1833; " " 18,1833. 

Francis E., " .Jan. 8, 1835; " " 1835. 

Abby L., " July 28, 1836. 

AbnerF., " Dec. 4, 1838. 

Tnfiint son and daughter ; died in infancy. 

TjUcv Griswold married Samuel Stimson of Springfield, who 


was born Oct 7, 1793 ; died Feb. 27, 1877; married Dee. 24, 1818, 
by Rev. Ruel Lathrop. Both are buried at North Springfield. 
Cliildren : 

Infant dauj^liter, born 1819; died in infancy. 

Samuel Jr., born Dec. 28, 1823 ; died Jan. 19, 18r,G. 

Lucy A., " Nov. 1829; died Feb. 19, 1831. 

Tnftuitson, " 1832 ; died 1832. 

Leu tha Ellen, born Nov. 28, 1835. 

Martha Griswo^^ married Russell Lockwood, who was born 
Aug. 11, 1797; died Feb., 1862, in CMyde, Illinois; married Oct. 3, 
1820, by Rev. Aaron Leland. Russell Lockwood married 2nd 
Martha Wells, in 1860. 

Children of Russell and Martha (Griswold) Lockwood : 

Hiland, born July 3, 1821 ; died Sept. 3, 1874, 

Ransom G., born Apr. 28, 1824. 

LenthaA.. " " 29,1826. 

Martha, " Dec. 25, 1830. 

William, " Oct. 5, 1837. 

Martin, " " 1, 1841. 

Lorenda Griswold married Lucius H. f'heney of Baltimore, 
who was born Apr. 21, 1800; died Sept. 19, ls46; married Oct. 27, 
1824, by Rev, Richard M. Ely Married 2nd Sylvanus Newhall, 
Nov. 14, 1850. Lorenda is buried at North Springfield, Mr. 
Cheney at Berlin, Ohio. Mr. Newhall married since Mrs. Mary 
White, of Springfield. 

Child of Lorenda and. Lucius H : 

Rindilla M., born Jan. 4, 1829. 

Sarah Griswold married Charles Sherwin of Weathersfield, 
who was born at Townsend, Mass., Sept. 22, 1796; died Oct. 21, 
1862; married .Ian. 22, 1830, by Rev. Richard M. Ely. Roth are 
buried in the "Sherwin cemetery." 

Children : 

Amanda M., born Jan., 1832; died Dec. 29, 1837. 

Ellen M., " Oct. 29, 1833. 

Sarah J., " Dee. 15, 1836. 

Harriet E., " .Ian. 22, 1845. 

Louisa Griswold married Abner Field, who was born at Chester 
Nov 28, 1793; died Dee. 19, 1864, buried at North Springfield ; 
married Feb. 16, 1832, by Rev. Uzziah C. Burnap. Children : 

Walhridge A., boi-n Apr. 26, 1833. 


Cordelia L., born Oct. 16, 1834; died July 25, 1843. 
Frederic G., " Jan. 1, 1842. 

Isadore L., " Aug. 31, 1845. 

Mary E. Boynton married Fox Slierwin of Weatliersfield, Apr. 
16, 1835 ; now reside at Baltimore. Children : 
Cullen L., born Apr. 14, 1836. 

RoUin C, " Jan, 12, 1838. 
Ervin C, " Deo. 23, 1841. 

Gilman, " July 8, 1852 ; died Dec. 22, 1854. 

Pamelia S. Boynton married Ervin (!lark Oct. 24, 1836; now of 
Springfield, 111. Children : 

C. Ervin, born Sept. 1, 1837. Mary C, born Sept. 3, 1844. 

Horace, " Jan. 16, 1840. Annette P., born Apr. 26, 1849. 

p]mily Boynton married Nathan F. Kobinson Sept. 20, 1839 ; 
now of Warren. Children : 

Jenette E., horn July 8, 1840. 

Norman X., " Sept. 7. 1841. 

Eugene H., " Aug. 15, 1844 ; died Oct. 16, 1863. 

Charles N., " Aug. 14, 1853 ; " Apr. 20, 1856. 

Ida J., " May 6, 1855. 

Martha E. Boynton married Andrew P. Tobey of Chester, Jan. 
28, 1840. Mr. Tobey was born Feb. 4, 1804 ; died Jan. 17, 1877. 
Children : 

Mary E., horn Jan. 2, 1842. Paulina E., born July 1, 1850. 

Myron S.. " Nov. 20, 1843. Elmer P., " Jan. 24, 1861 ; 

Emma E., " June 16, 1847. died in infancy. 

(,'harles S. Boynton married Paulina Demary of Weatliersfield, 
Aug., 1850; residence Berlin, 111. Children : 

(Jharles E., born Aug. 19, 1851 ; died January 18, 1880. 

Eddie (^., " March IS, 1854 ; " Dec. 26, 1855. 

Infant daughter, born Jan. 9, 1857; died Jan. 9, 1857. 

Ervin D., born Dec. 15, 1858. 

Ella P., born Jan. 11, 1865. 

Ijentha Boynton married Evans T. Hardin of Columbia, Ky., 
Jan. 29, 1852. Mr. Hardin was born Dec. 23, 1822; residence 
Whitney, P\irnes8 County, Neb. Children : 

Charles A., born Nov. 5, 1853 ; Julia A., born Nov. 5, 1861. 
died Dec. 22, 1878. Evans T., " Dec. 12, 1863. 

Abner F., born Nov. 12, 1855. Harriet E., born Nov. 7, 1867. 

George N., " Sept. 11, 1857. Robert C, born :May 17, 1872. 


Laura L., born Sept 28, 1S59. 

Levi G. Boynton married Donna Maria Washburn of Spring- 
field, Nov. 27, 1855; residence Berlin, III. Child : 

Emma M., born Oct. 4, 1856. 

Nelson G. Boynton married Harriet M. Cutler, Jan., 1867, who 
died May 28, 1867. 

CJullen L. Sherwin married Marcia Hardy of Cavendish, Apr. 
2, 1862. Child : 

Bertraud, born Dec. 19, 1873. 

Rollin C. Sherwin married Susan A. Chandler of Chester, Nov. 
8, 1861, who died Aug. lo. 1878. Children : 

Nelson R., born Jan. 11, 1865. 

AnnaM., " June 11, 1869 ; died Sept. 3, 1870. 

Ervin C. Sherwin married Ann Eliza Ellison of Springfield 
Nov. 21, 1866 ; residence Baltimore. 

Horace Clark mai-ried Lizzie Pollard Jan., 1866. Children : 

Irene Belle, born Feb., 1867. Ilichard H., born May, 1875. 

Grace P., born Apr., 1869. 

Mary C. Clark married J. W. Fugate Nov., 1865. Children : 

AVilliam E., born Nov., 1866. Addie, born Sept., 1870. 

George, born Dec. 1868. Horace C, born May 1873. 

Annette P. Clark narried B. R. Hieronymus Oct. 4, 1876. 
Child ; 

Lora C., born May 14, 1878. 

.leiu'tte K. Robinson married Allen K. Bruce Sept. 20, 1861. 

Alice G., born Aug. 31, 1S62. 

Nor man N. Robinson married Mary E. Sargent, Feb. 4, 1869. 
Children : 

Mabel E., l)orn Aug. 20, 1870. 

Willie F., " " 15,1872. 

Ida J. Robinson married Foster Moore Feb. 4, 1880. 

Paulina E. Tobey married Hiland E, Chandler of Chester, 
.luly 2, 1874, who died Dec. 8, 1877. 

Emma M. Boynton married T. A. Shuff March 19, 1S78 : resi- 
dence at or near Berlin, 111. (!hil(l : 

Nellie Maria, born Aug. 23, 1879. 

Lucy G. Brown married Willam M. Pingry of Salisbury, N. H., 
May 26, 1836. Judge Piugry 'inarrie I 2ud Mrs. L icy Ilichir Isdu : 
reside at Perkinsville. 


Childreu of Lucy G. and William M. Pingry : 
Mary H., born May 15, 1837. 
Gratia M., " Jan. 8, 1845. 

George L. Brown married Cynthia E. Blanchard of Springfield, 
Feb 18,1841. Cynthia E. Brown married 2nd John Farnham ; 
residence Springfield. 

Child of George L. and Cynthia E. Brown : 
Lucia E., born July 17, 1842 ; died Oct. 25, 1862. 
Daniel G. Brown married Caroline Adams of Springfield, Dec. 
5, 1846. Children : 

Fred D., horn Nov., 1847. 

Anne, " Sept., 1858 ; died Oct., 1854. 

Lizzie, " March 17, 1855. 

Nellie, " Sei)t. 24, 1856. 

Frank, â?? died Oct., 1864. 

Samuel Brown married Olive M. White of Springfield, June 10, 
1851; residence Springfield. Child: 
Evlyn M., born Dec. 1, 1865. 

Etnerson E. Brown married Gratia AUbee of Springfield, Nov., 
1853 ; residence Onslow, Iowa. Children : 

Forest W., born July 28, 1854. Enos L., born March 8, 1867. 
Prairie F., " Aug. 21, 1856. Carleton E., " June 11, 1868. 
Mary L., " Dec. 16, 1859. Gratie S., " Oct. 27, 1870; 
Ada L., " Xov. 28, 1864. died Dec. 19, 1874. 

Jessie H., born Aug. 5, 1876, 
l.fverett Brown married Lorette Griswold of Chester, Jan., 1855. 

Children : 
Flora, born Nov. 8, 1855. Lucius G., born Nov., 1863. 

(Jharles, " Apr., 1858. Alice, " Sept., 1867. 

Helen L. Brown married Augustus L. Robinson Apr. 13, 1853 ; 
residence Springfield, ('hildren : 

Cora L., born Apr. i», 1855 ; died Sept, 1, 1876. 
Francis L., born .Tan. 10, 1857; died .lune 16, 1862. 
Charles W., born Jan. 5, 1859; died Nov. 8, 1863. 
Willie G., born May 20, 1861 ; died .July 10, 1861. 
Mary H. Pingry married Dr. Orvis F. Bigelow of Weathers- 
field, July 8, 1863; residence Amherst, Mass. Children : 
Jessie E., born Aug. 20, 1864. Lucy M., born July 14, 1872. 
William P., " Mar. 28, 1867. Fred C, " .June ;^0, 1875. 
Frank H., " Feb. 6, 1869. F.lward R., " Fel). 18, 1877. 


Gratia M. Pingry married Cj'rus C. Boyiiton of Weathers field, 
Jan. 8. 1867 ; residence Townsliend. Cliildren : 
William P., born Oct. 28, 1867. 

Mary D., " Nov. 26, 1873. 

Edmund C, " Apr. 24, 1879. 

Fred D. Brown married . Two children. 

Lizzie Brown married . 

Forest W. Brown married Flora E. Lawton Sept. 16, 1879. 

Prairie F. Brown married Maria E. Barnhill Dee. 11, 1879. 

Flora Brown mai'ried Joseph Lincoke Nov., 1875 
Children : 

Cora, born Nov., 1876 ; died Aug., 1878. 

Infant, born 1878; died in infancy. 

Daniel C. Griswold married AdalaideE. Griswold of Randolph, 
Nov. 22, 1860; residence Boston, Mass. Children : 

Loren E., born Jan. 3, 1863. 

Ellen C., " July 3, 1870. 

Kate D. 

Mary J. Griswold married Milton K. Paine of Windsor, Jan. 
30, 1867. 

Letitia D. Griswold married N. C. Hall May 3, 1844, who was 
born Feb. o, 1820 ; residence Chili, Indiana. Children : 

Infant, born 1845; died in infancy. 

Columbus H., born Nov. 17, 1846. 

Florence Jj., " Feb. 25, 1849. 

Horace I)., " Jan 10, 1851 ; died Nov. 12, 1851. 

Charles A., " Aug. 23, 1852; died Feb. 10, 1854. 

Nelson C, " Jan. 26, 1855. 

Julian F., " Mar. 18, 1857. 

.lulius A., " Oct. 11, 1858. 

Infant daughter born Aug. 11, ISGl ; died in infancy. 

Ida, born Aug. 15, 1862. 

Ada, " " " " died Mar. 4, 1863. 

Amelia Griswold married Dr. William G. Cliamblin Jan, 17, 
1846, who was born in 1820, and who ilied not far from 1870 

Child : 

William .1., Jr., born Dee. 21, 1846; died 1862. 

Ames A. Griswold married Elizabeth Atlams Jan. 1, 1857 ; res- 
idence LaBose, Indiana. Children : 

Ames A., l)orn Nov. 14, 1857; died Mar. .'3 1859. 


Ida J., '' Aug. 1, 1S.59. 

MarciaG., " July 14, 1861. 

MaryL., " Apr. 12, 1863. 

DanielJ., " Hept. 29, 1865. 

Florence G., " Oct. 24, 1867. 

Delia M., '^ Apr. 21, 1870. 

Infant daughter, born Jan. 29, 1873; died Feb. 13, 1873. 

William C, born July 19, 1874. 

Cora Bell, " Apr. 22, 1877. 

Nora Bell, " " " " 

Frederick L., " Sept. 23, 1879. 

Abbie Lentlui (J riswold married Charles M.Long July, 18o-"), 
who was born Sept. 27,1832; residence Denyer^ Richfield Town- 
ship, Indiana. Children : 

Clara A., born Aug. 7, 18-56 ; died June 22, 1858. 

Flora M., " Felt. 5, 1859. 

Judson A., " May 1!), 1861. 

EflfieA.. " Oct. 1,1864; " Jan. 3, 18S0. 

Charles W., " May 26, 1866. 

Ernnui L., " Oct. 6, 1868. 

Foster L.. " Apr. 29, 1872. 

Uly C, " Oct. 27, 1874. 

Chester W., " March 10, 1877. 

Abuer Field Griswold married Jennie Figley March 22, 1871. 
Child : 

Abbie L., born Jan. 24, 1875. 

Columbus H. Hall married Theodosia Parks June 15, 1875. 
Children : 

Zoe, born Dec, 2, 1876. 

Mary, born Oct. 2, 1878. 

Florence L. Hall married Ulysses P. Schenck, Jr., May 29, 
1872 ; reside at Vevay, Ind. Child : 

Lillie Perle, born Sept. 12, 1874. 

Nelson C. Hall married Lena R. McLaughlin Apr. 17, 1879. 

Samuel Stinison, Jr., married Mary Eaton of Springfield, Apr. 
18, 1850, who died July 17, 1863. Children : 

^Nlary E., born July 17, 1852. 

Elizabeth, born Feb. 3, 1856 , died July 20, 1863. 

Lentha Ellen Stinison married Charles H. Haywood of Spring- 
field, Jan. 15, 1855 ; residence Springfield. Children : 


Samuel, born Sept. 12, 1859. 

Infant, died in infancy. 

Mary E. Stinison married Geo. H. Barrett of Weathers field, 
Feb. 27, 1872, who died Jan. 24, 1875. Child : 

Charles, born Aug. 20, 1874. 

Hiland Lockwood married Bessie Squire of Weathersfield, 1849. 
Mrs. Lockwood resides at BDston, Mass. No children. 

Ransom G. Lockwood married Mary Adams Dee. 7, 1844, who 
died Nov. 20, 1851. Married 2nd Aurora Butler May 25, 1857 ; 
residence Battle Creek, Mich. 

Child of Ransom G. and Mary (Adanis) Lockwood : 

Asa A., born Jan. 26, 1846. 

Lentha A. Lockwood married George J. Butler Mar. 10, 1859 ; 
residence Mount Pleasant, Iowa. Children : 

Annie L., born Mar. 20, 1861 ; died Oct. 19, 1874. 

William P., " July 30, 1864. 

Hiland L., " " " " 

Martha Lockwood married Stephen Rider Mar. 4, 1857. Mr. 
Rider was born Oct. 1, 1832 ; residence Exeter, Neb. 
Children : 

Alice C, born Mar. 20, 1858. 

Clara R., " Sept. 6, 1860. 

John, " Aug. 5, 1862 ; died in infancy. 

Charles, " Dec. 5, 1864. 

William Lockwood married Delia Wright Jan., 1805. 

Children, six. 

Martin Lockwood married Mary Wright Nov. 10, 1864 ; res-' 
idence Martinsburg, Neb. Children : 

Hiland P., born May 21, 1866. 

Burton M., " Sept. 9, 1868 ; died Aug. 7, 1869. 

Agnes A., " Aug. 26, 1872. 

Nettie E., " June 5, 1875. 

George R., " Nov. 18, 1877. 

Asa A. Lockwood married Martha Sisely Oct. 12, 1867. 
Children : 

Rindilla M. Cheney married George Kimball, Jr., of Spring- 
field, Jan. 4, 1848; residence Springfield. Children : 

George Eugene, born Nov. 14, 1848. 

Addle, born Dec. 2, 1860 ; died July 29, 1863. 

George Eugene Kimball married Alice M. Hooper of Presque 


Isle, Me., Jan. 1, 1877 ; residence Everett, Mass. Child. 

Alice Appleton, born Nov. 23, 1878. 

Ellen M. Sherwin married Clark H. Chapman of Cavendish, 
July 7, 1858; residence Proctorsville. Children : 

Sarah G., born Nov. 2, 1862; died Apr. 18, 1863. 

Charles S., " Aug. 21, 1864. 

Willie C, " Mar. 11, 1866. 

Winnie May, born May 2, 1869 ; died Sept. 13, 1870. 

Sarah J. Sherwin married Charles J. Barrett of Weathersfleld, 
Jan 4, 1859, who died Mar. 13, 1861. Married 2nd Barton W. 
Chase of Springfield, Apr. 2, 1864 ; residence Detroit, Mich. 
Children : 

Charles S., born Jan. 8, 1866. 

George L., " July 12, 1868. 

Harriet Eliza Sherwin married Clinton S. Chase of Springfield, 
Oct. 28, 1869; residence Detroit, Mich. Children : 

Annie S., born Aug. 23, 1870 ; died Nov. 5, 1871. 

Alice S., " Jan. 6, 1873. 

Alfred W., " Fob. 21, 1875. 

Waldridge A. Field married Ellen Eliza McLoon of Rockland, 
Me., Oct. 4, 1869, who died Mar. 8, 1877. Mr. Field's residence is 
Boston, Mass. Children : 

Eleanor Louise, born Jan. 1, 1871. 

Elizabeth Lenthal, born Feb. 6, 1873. 

Fred G. Field married Anna M. Tarbell of Cavendish, July 2, 
1872; residence North Springfield. Children: 

Infant, born 1873 ; died in infancy. 

Fred Tarbell, born Dec. 24, 1876. 

Bertha Isadore, born Nov. 29, 1878. 

Isadore L. Field married Durant J. Boynton of Weathersfleld, 
Sept. 12, 1872; residence North Springfield, 

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